Do I require a medical Record to Receive an Shiatsu Massage?
Shiatsu massage is often unappreciated and frequently misdiagnosed type of Japanese bodywork that is based on concepts of alternative and traditional Chinese treatment that is focused on the flow of qi or energy through the meridian channels. Anma is a Japanese technique of massage that allows Shiatsu to develop is the origin of Shiatsu. The legend says that the Japanese who developed Japanese Shiatsu was once an actress in the Imperial courts. The technique of massage was adapted from the acupuncture method of Chinese healing. Acupuncture is based on specific techniques such as sticking needles in certain areas of the body in order to open pathways of energy. There are a few key differences.
Shiatsu therapy originates from the notion of the five elements - earth water, fire, and wood - working together harmoniously to encourage well-being and enable the body to heal it self. Five types of Shiatsu Massage therapy are on offer. Each one offers the same positive effects for the user. They include pressure, heat vibrating, touch, and pressure. Shiatsu practitioners use these types of therapy in conjunction with each other to provide a full variety of therapies. It is also influenced by traditional Chinese medical practices.
One of the common myths concerning shiatsu massage is that it's painful, indeed painful, and that it's only suitable to the elderly or patients with chronic illnesses. Shiatsu has been proved beneficial for any age group and comes with no known side results. Shiatsu is safe to use for both children and adults. This traditional alternative therapy is proven to improve chronic diseases like migraines, arthritis, asthma as well as heart disease. The results of studies have shown that there is improvement in pain tolerance and blood pressure along with skin ailments breathing problems, skin conditions, and many other ailments.
Shiatsu massage therapy is also influenced in part by traditional Chinese healing. Acupressure and Acupuncture are two Chinese treatment methods for healing, which typically are used to treat the massage therapies. These traditional Chinese methods are efficient in relieving stress and tension. The pressure relief used by the massage therapist also helps the muscles rest without the need for medications like Ibuprofen. It decreases the likelihood of allergic reactions and infection.
Massage therapy using Shiatsu can be used to treat various of conditions and ailments. Shiatsu doesn't treat a disease or condition like cancer. However, it has been shown to enhance overall health of patients who have certain cancers. Shiatsu, however, has been proven to help patients suffering from arthritis and those who have other conditions of the musculoskeletal.
It is also referred to "finger pressure" that is a common misinterpretation of the procedure. It is not a requirement for pressure on the fingers. The motions used in the treatment increase the effectiveness of the flow of energy. Massage therapists can increase blood flow by using finger pressure. The lymphatic system can be able to transport more nutrients and oxygen through an increase in blood flow.
A major factor that may not be understood is the necessity for a full medical history as well as an assessment. It is vital to have an extensive medical history as well as assessment to be qualified to treat the various issues. The shiatsu practitioner conducts an evaluation that includes a physical examination, laboratory tests, blood work, x-rays, and hearing tests. In the initial evaluation the professional will take into account the medical history of the patient, medical treatments as well as lifestyle factors, conditions such as mental and physical health, as well as other environmental factors that might affect the health of the patient. The therapist then assigns a diagnosis code for each patient. Shiatsu practitioners follow up the evaluation with other tests for diagnosis, such as physical and blood tests.
Shiatsu massage is different from other massage techniques because the practitioner doesn't apply pressure on the meridian channels using smooth broad strokes. Their fingertips are employed to increase the body's qi and energy. Shiatsu is believed to be a variant of Chinese treatment because of its belief that the body contains energy which can be transmitted through the skin and out into the outside world. This idea was first discovered by the early Chinese. It is thought that the Qi flow freely throughout the body when acupuncture is applied.